Relief - Revue électronique de littérature française is an international peer reviewed journal dedicated francophone literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present day. Relief is published twice a year. The issues are generally thematic in scope, but issues may also include a 'Varia' section as well as book reviews. Relief aims to critically address contemporary issues in literature, both in the realm of creative work and theoretical reflection, as well as the riches of the past and their later reception. We are particularly open to transcultural perspectives and pay special attention to supposedly marginal authors and genres, as well as works in need of rediscovery.
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Technophany is founded in view of the need to create a singular and unconventional space for reflections on philosophy and technology, which is diminishing today due to dogmatic academic practices and their reluctance to confront challenges imposed by the industrial world. Technophany aims to facilitate original reflections and provocations on the philosophy and history of technology and contribute to the reshaping of the contemporary landscape of thought.
Technophany is a journal of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology, dedicated to the philosophical and historical studies of technologies.
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International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE) is the official journal of European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE). The publications of IJPE contain peer-reviewed articles on several topics within the general field of “Parents in Education”. The articles contained in International Journal About Parents in Education follow the style and formats of a scientific journal.
The journal strives to promote awareness and understanding of issues affecting school-parents relationships and parental involvement in educational contexts. The term “parents in education” is intended to include both the relationship of parents to school systems and the contributions which parents and families make to their child's learning outside school. ERNAPE is an association of networks organised by areas. Each network is autonomous. In October 1993, with financial support from the European Commission, a group of researchers working in the field of parents in education in different parts of Europe met in Glasgow to discuss how to increase contact across Europe, to exchange knowledge of research developments in Europe and to stimulate research about parents in education at all levels, including intercultural European research. Since 2007 IJPE adds to the ERNAPE network aims.
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Ecclesial Futures publishes original research and theological reflection on the development and transformation of local Christian communities and the systems that support them as they join in the mission of God in the world. We are an international and ecumenical journal with an inter-disciplinary understanding of our approach to theological research and reflection; the core disciplines being theology, missiology and ecclesiology. Other social science and theological disciplines may be helpful in supporting the holistic nature of any research. The journal fills an important reflective space between the academy and on-the-ground practice within the field of mission studies, ecclesiology and the so-called “missional church”.
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Debates in science and society stress the politics of change. Such discussions afford new approaches, dialogues, and methodologies. But, claiming that something is “political” demands further scrutiny. The Journal of Political Sociology (JPS) opens a forum to discuss “the political” of societal change – be it in military conflicts, global inequalities, decolonization processes, ecological crises, digital innovations, or public health emergencies. JPS goes beyond a narrow understanding of political sociology to study state organizations, public policy, and much more: articles investigate political processes in art, economics, education, ecology, science, technology, religion, and identity formation. Engagement with inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, novel methods, and diverse publics is particularly welcome. JPS is committed to empirical inquiry, theoretical reflection, and critical debate.
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Het Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie (TGG) is een Nederlandstalig, open acces wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor iedereen met interesse in de biologische, psychologische, sociale en medisch wetenschappelijke gebieden van de gerontologie en geriatrie. TGG biedt de mogelijkheid aan (toegepast) wetenschappers en geschoolde professionals om zonder kosten in een Medline geïndexeerd en in PubMed opgenomen tijdschrift te publiceren.
TGG verschijnt vier keer per jaar en alle artikelen zijn digitaal beschikbaar en kosteloos te downloaden. Het tijdschrift publiceert dubbel blind peer reviewed artikelen en klinische lessen, praktijkbijdragen, opinies, voor u gesignaleerd (proefschriften, oraties). Daarnaast publiceert TGG de abstracts van relevante Nederlandse en Belgische congressen.
The Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie (TGG) is a Dutch-language, open-access scientific journal for anyone interested in the biological, psychological, social, and medical scientific fields of gerontology and geriatrics. TGG provides the opportunity for (applied) scientists and skilled professionals to publish in a Medline-indexed and PubMed-listed journal without costs.
TGG is published four times a year, and all articles are digitally available and can be downloaded free of charge. The journal publishes double-blind peer-reviewed articles, clinical lessons, practical contributions, opinions, and items of interest (theses, inaugural lectures). Additionally, TGG publishes abstracts from relevant Dutch and Belgian conferences.
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The European Insolvency and Restructuring Journal is a fully open access and double-blind peer reviewed journal focused on the development of insolvency and restructuring laws and practice in Europe.
The European Insolvency and Restructuring Journal (EIRJ) aims to provide a solid and authoritative forum for in-depth (comparative and empirical) articles on topics that are of relevance to the development of insolvency and restructuring laws and practice in Europe. It aims to promote academic discussion which crosses national boundaries, mainly in the field of European preventive restructuring and corporate insolvency law.
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Het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten is een open access, Nederlandstalig, wetenschappelijk tijdschrift gericht op het verspreiden van informatie over ontwikkelingen met betrekking tot de rechten van de mens die van belang zijn voor de Nederlandse rechtsorde en het Nederlandse buitenlandbeleid.
Het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten verschijnt viermaal per jaar. Het tijdschrift bevat onder meer wetenschappelijke artikelen, kronieken en opinies over actuele mensenrechtelijke vraagstukken. Ook verschijnt in het tijdschrift regelmatig nieuws van de Vereniging Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten.
The Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten (‘Dutch Journal of Human Rights’) is an open access, Dutch-language, academic journal aimed at disseminating information on developments in the field of human rights that are important for the Dutch legal order and Dutch foreign policy.
The Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten is published four times a year. The journal contains scientific articles, chronicles, and opinions on current human rights issues. Regularly also news from the Vereniging Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (‘Association of Dutch Lawyers Committee for Human Rights’) appears in the journal.
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Handelingen is een academisch tijdschrift dat onderzoekers, opleiders, studenten en professionals op de hoogte houdt van de voortgang in onderwijs en onderzoek in het vakgebied van de praktische theologie en religiewetenschap. Het tijdschrift toont de relevantie van kennis- en onderwijsvernieuwing aan voor thema’s, vragen en problemen in werkvelden van kerk, zorg, onderwijs en bestuur. De bijdragen bevorderen een onafhankelijke en kritische beoordeling van actuele kerkelijke, religieuze en levensbeschouwelijke ontwikkelingen in de samenleving ten dienste van het professionele handelen van pastores, geestelijk verzorgers, godsdienstleraren en andere beroepsmatig betrokken theologen en religiewetenschappers. Telkens staat een praktisch relevant thema centraal over religie in het publieke domein dat besproken wordt door ter zake deskundigen binnen en buiten het eigen vakgebied. Uitgangspunt is dat de bijdragen de lezers op een academisch niveau aanspreken in een aantrekkelijk en relevant format. Handelingen is daarmee het vakblad van academici en professionals in de praktische theologie en religiewetenschap dat informeert, contacteert en stimuleert op terreinen van religie, spiritualiteit, zingeving, levensoriëntatie en gemeenschapsvorming.
Handelingen (‘Acts’) is an academic journal for researchers, lecturers, students and professionals written to keep them abreast of the current state of teaching and research in practical theology and religious studies. The journal showcases the relevance of knowledge and educational innovation to the themes, questions and problems that concern religion, care, education and governance. The contributions promote an independent and critical assessment of the current ecclesiastical, religious and ideological developments in society for the benefit of pastors, spiritual carers, teachers of religion and other theologians and religious academics. Every issue centres on a practical, relevant religious theme in the public domain, with contributions from relevant experts within and outside the field. The starting point is that contributions should appeal to readers on an academic level, and in an attractive and relevant format. Handelingen is the journal for academics and professionals involved in practical theology and religious studies that informs, engages and stimulates discussion about religion, spirituality, meaning, orientation in life and community forming.
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Religie & Samenleving wil een podium bieden aan hen die zich bezig houden met de bestudering van de veranderingen in religie en religieuze organisaties in de Europese samenleving van de laatste twee eeuwen. Daarmee wil het tijdschrift een bijdrage leveren aan het debat over de rol van religie in de hedendaagse maatschappij. Religie & Samenleving kiest voor een multidisciplinaire benadering om zo het gesprek tussen de sociale wetenschappen onderling en tussen wetenschap en de samenleving te stimuleren. Vanuit dit brede perspectief wil het ook beleidsmakers en het geïnteresseerde publiek informeren over de veranderingen in religie in relatie tot de sociale, culturele en historische context. Het tijdschrift wil daarom een plaats bieden aan – in toegankelijke stijl geschreven – wetenschappelijke artikelen uit verschillende disciplines en eveneens aan essayistische bijdragen.
Religie & Samenleving (‘Religion & Society’) aims to provide a platform for those who study the changes in religion and religious organisations in the last two centuries of European society. The journal wants to contribute to the debate on the role of religion in today’s society. Religie & Samenleving adopts a multidisciplinary approach in order to stimulate discourse within the social sciences and between academia and society. From this perspective, it also seeks to inform policymakers and the interested public about the changes in religion in relation to social, cultural and historical contexts. The journal thus aims to provide a place for accessible academic articles from a variety of disciplines, as well as essay contributions.
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